Hit Subscribe Digest, June '23

Appium Tutorial

When it comes to streamlining cross-platform testing, Appium stands out as an effective solution worth considering. To gain a deep understanding of Appium and its remarkable capabilities, I highly recommend diving into this Appium tutorial by Waldo.

Columnar Databases

What exactly is a columnar database? I had no idea until I read InfluxData's helpful columnar database guide. Columnar databases, as the name implies, store data in columns rather than rows. I discovered that columnar databases can provide a significant performance advantage for analytics workloads, so they are well worth learning about.

Salesforce Testing

As Salesforce implementations get more and more complex, automated testing becomes essential. Tricentis offers a codeless Salesforce testing automation solution that's worth checking out.

Docker Compose Networking

Docker Compose is a useful and powerful tool for managing the networking of distributed applications. Eric Goebelbecker has written an excellent Docker Compose for networking tutorial, with clear, concise code samples.

Cutover Planning

Master the art of cutover planning with this step-by-step cutover planning guide from Enov8. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to plan and execute a successful cutover, from defining the scope of the project to communicating with stakeholders.

User Experience Monitoring

Request Metrics User Experience Monitoring (RUM) helps you understand how real users experience your website or app. It provides detailed insights into performance, errors, and user behavior, so you can identify and fix any issues that are impacting your users.

Slack Checklists

Checklists in Slack are a great way to keep track of tasks and projects. They can be used to assign due dates, add comments, and even collaborate with others. This Slack checklists guide from Wrangle shows you how to create checklists in Slack, and how to use them to improve your workflow.