Architect has been creating a lot of content around getting going quickly with various flavors of DevOps tools. Here’s one about setting up with Kafka and Docker.
When you’re in the enterprise, environments and the data in those environments are super important. This is especially true when you have to walk the line between creating valid, production-like data to test on, but not polluting environments needlessly with sensitive customer data. This post about test environment management speaks about test environments and some of these types of important issues.
I am impressively not good at front-end stuff, when it pertains to design. CSS is dark magic to me. But if I were going to try to get good at it, I’d definitely give this introductory guide to CSS image effects a look.
This is less of an article and more of a pick – something cool that I just learned exists. Tricentis offers JIRA test automation, meaning that you can manage your quality control and test suites right from within JIRA.
We’ve been doing a lot of content for Wrangle lately about different power user use cases in Slack. As someone who grudgingly spends a lot of time in Slack, I’m digging this thread of content and learning about things like how to create recurring reminders.